Contact Us

Contact Us


Here at Midway, we are blessed to call three men elders over our flock. These men have been found to hold the qualifactions as told to the early churches in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. Their responsibilities rest primarily with the preservation and spiritual growth of the congregation. Their job is not to be rulers, but servants, smelling like the sheep that they are leading.


Doug Crawford - (352) 538-1772   (

Dale Lindsey - (352) 493-3318   (

Gary Masters - (870) 375-0467   (


The first century church saw fit to appoint men who would serve the needs of the elders. Acts 6:1-6 speaks to the job required of our deacons. There are also certain qualifactions that deacons are required to meet prior to being appointed (1 Timothy 3:8-13). This need has not went away and is still practiced here at Midway. We are pleased to be served by one deacon who assists the elders in the work of the church.

Joel Layfield - (352) 221-1868


The Christians here at Midway also are able to support a full-time evangelist whose job is, as Paul instructed Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2, "Preach the word! Convince, rebuke, and encourage, with all longsuffering and teaching..." We consider it the primary job of the members of this congregation to spread God's Word, but we deem fit to support an evangelist who presents edifying lessons while spending encouraging time with the saints.

Ryan Hart - (850) 445-2073   (